Hepato-Forte | 300mg Capsule

  • Scientific Name: E. Phospholipids 300 mg+ Vitamin B1,2,3,6,12+ E 20 mg.
  • Dosage: 300mg
  • Type: Capsule
  • Price: 81 EGP | EGP

    Medicine Description

    Hepato-Forte is used as a nutritional supplement in acute and chronic liver diseases, viral hepatitis, hepatitis resulting from the use of drugs or radiation therapy, and increased fat in the liver. Hepato-Forte helps prevent the formation of gallstones, improves symptoms of indigestion, works as an adjuvant treatment in cases of psoriasis, helps in the regeneration of liver tissues and cells, prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver, plays an essential role in the formation of acetylcholine, provides cells with the energy needed for many vital functions, protects cells from harmful substances, and helps maintain the fluidity of bile juice, which prevents the formation of gallstones.

    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine