
  • Scientific Name: Guaiphenesin 100mg.+ Ephedrine 15m.+ Diphenhydramine 10mg.+Dextromethorphane 12.5mg. /15ml.
  • Dosage: 100mg
  • Type: Syrup
  • Price: 14.5 EGP

    Medicine Description

    Bronchophane treats all cases of inflammation affecting the bronchi, acute and chronic inflammation affecting the bronchi, and in treating coughs that accompany colds and respiratory diseases. It also facilitates the expulsion of phlegm that causes respiratory disorders and helps prevent the growth of bacteria that cause breathing difficulties. Bronchophane is an effective antihistamine that causes allergies. It helps treat nasal infections and allergies resulting from asthma, get rid of coughs and colds, and protect the central nervous system from damage resulting from coughing. Bronchophane treats severe coughing attacks that affect many patients.
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine