Pulmocare | 5mg Syrup

  • Scientific Name: Dextromethorphane 5mg+ G50mg + Pseudoephedrine15+ Chlorpheniramine maleate 1mg /5ml
  • Dosage: 5mg
  • Type: Syrup
  • Price: 5.75 EGP | EGP

    Medicine Description

    Pulmocare syrup is an expectorant, antitussive, antibronchitis, antisinusitis, anti-runny nose, anti-ear congestion, anti-nasal congestion, anti-itchy nose, anti-cold, anti-sneezing, and anti-influenza. Pulmocare syrup is used to break up mucus, which is one of the symptoms resulting from coughing, as mucus consists of sticky substances found in the lungs and reaches the throat and mouth as a result of coughing. This medicine works to thin mucus and relieve the severity of coughing quickly and effectively.

    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine