
  • Scientific Name: Cerberolysine 5 mg
  • Dosage: 5mg
  • Type: Ampoules
  • Price: 515 EGP

    Medicine Description

    Cerebrolysin a peptide preparation produced from purified pig brain proteins may have positive effects on cognitive function in older patients with vascular dementia VaD according to a new metaanalysis Cerebrolysin is a mixture of 80% lowmolecularweight peptides and 20% free amino acids Various studies have shown that the agents multiple effects include promotion of neuroprotection neuroplasticity and neurogenesis It is approved in many countries for treatment of Alzheimers disease AD stroke andor traumatic brain injury although not in the United States A Cochrane review of Cerebrolysin for stroke published in 2010 concluded there was not enough evidence to evaluate its use in stroke and a review of its use in AD is underway the authors note
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine