
  • Scientific Name: Hydrocortisone+ Cinchocaine +Framycetine+Aesculin
  • Type: Supp
  • Price: 6.5 EGP EGP

    Medicine Description

    Indications And Clinical Uses: The reduction of swelling, pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids and other rectal lesions. The management of acute and chronic nonspecific proctitis, acute internal hemorrhoids, cryptitis, fissures and incomplete fistulas, internal and external pruritus ani. May be used in pre- and postoperative hemorrhoidectomy and repair of fissures. Contra-Indications: Hydrocortisone must not be used in the presence of tuberculosis, fungal and viral infections. Sensitivity to any of the components. Precautions: Discontinue use if sensitization occurs. Hydrocortisone should not be used until an adequate proctologic examination is completed and a diagnosis made. Other specific measures against infections, allergy, and other causal factors must not be neglected. The possibility, however rare, that prolonged use of this preparation might produce systemic corticosteroid effects, should be borne in mind.
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine