
  • Scientific Name: Carbamazepin 100mg./5ml.
  • Dosage: 100mg
  • Type: Syrup

Price: 10 EGP.

    Medicine Description

    About Carbamazepine Tricyclic anticonvulsant , iminostilbene derivative, anticonvulsant , in trigeminal neuralgia. Mechanism of Action of Carbamazepine Carbamazepine prolongs the inactivated state of voltage sensitive neuronal sodium ion channel either by increasing the efflux or decreasing the influx of sodium ion across the cell membrane and inhibits the high frequency discharge. It blocks the repetitive impulses that trigger seizures. Carbamazepine modifies electroshock seizure and raises threshold to Pentylenetetrazole and electroshock convulsion. Carbamazepine is also used in mania and bipolar disorders. Indications for Carbamazepine 1.Anticonvulsant(Generalised tonic-clonic seizure, complex partial seizure, Grand mal epilepsy, Psychomotor epilepsy) 2.Trigeminal neuralgia 3.Manic depressive illness (Bipolar disorders) 4.Acute mania
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine

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