
  • Scientific Name: Filgrastin 300mcg.
  • Dosage: 300mcg
  • Type: Ampoules
  • Price: 455 EGP

    Medicine Description

    About Filgrastim A cytokine glycoprotein, a human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) analog, Immunostimulant. Mechanism of Action of Filgrastim Filgrastim is a cytokine glycoprotein that stimulates proliferation, differentiation and functional activity of neutrophils.This will produce a rapid increase in WBC counts. Indications for Filgrastim 1.To decrease incidence of infection after cancer chemotherapy for non myeloid malignancies 2.Chonic severe neutropenia 3.After bone marrow transplantation in cancer patients 4.Agranulocytosis 5.Apastic anaemia 6.Hairy cell leukaemia Typical Dosage for Filgrastim Subcutaneous or Intravenous Injection Adult:5mcg/kg as single dose if required dose can be increased by 5mcg/kg for each couse of chemotherapy
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine