Yonatone | 200mg Tablets

  • Scientific Name: Salbutiamine 200mg.
  • Dosage: 200mg
  • Type: Tablets
  • Price: 18 EGP | EGP

    Medicine Description

    About Sulbutiamine A synthetic derivative of thiamine, a centrally acting cholinergic agent, Nootropic,antiasthenic. Mechanism of Action of Sulbutiamine Sulbutiamine is a centrally acting cholinergic agent. This drug inhibits the enzyme Acetyl cholinesterase and prolongs the action of Acetylcholine- a stimulating hormone in the brain. This increased Acetylcholine concentrations are believed to be responsible for the improvement seen during treatment with donepezil. Sulbutiamine is a thiamine derivative. Being lipophilic it crosses the blood brain barrier and leads to increased formation of thiamine triphosphate which regulates the synaptic transmission of many neurotransmission system. Indications for Sulbutiamine 1. Wakefulness 2. Improve long term memory 3. Speed up reaction time 4. Asthenia

    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine