Coveram | 5/5mg Tablets

  • Scientific Name: Perindopril 5 mg.+Amlodipine 5mg.
  • Dosage: 5/5mg
  • Type: Tablets
  • Price: 125 EGP | EGP

    Medicine Description

    Indication For the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension, mild to moderate congestive heart failure, and to reduce the cardiovascular risk of individuals with hypertension or post-myocardial infarction and stable coronary disease. About Amlodipine Calcium Channel Blocker, Anti hypertensive,anti angina. Mechanism of Action of Amlodipine Amlodipine is a second generation dihydropyridine Ca channel blocker. It exerts it`s antihypertensive, antianginal actions through blocking the influx of Ca ions through voltage gated L-type Ca channels to the peripheral vascular smooth muscle cells, Coronary smooth muscle cells and to the myocardial cells. Thus causes dilatation of vascular endothelium, decrease peripheral resistance, & reduce myocardial oxygen demand .It markedly relax arterioles and milder effects on veins. They do not compromise haemodynamics and cerebral and renal perfusion. Indications : 1.Hypertension 2.Prinzmetal`s angina 3.Stable angina

    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine