Fraxiparine | 2850i Ampoules

  • Scientific Name: Nadroparin 2850 i.u.
  • Dosage: 2850i
  • Type: Ampoules
  • Price: 31 EGP | EGP

    Medicine Description

    Fraxiparine is used to prevent deep vein thrombosis that can occur after major surgery, especially orthopedic surgery such as hip or knee replacement. It is also used to treat acute venous thromboembolism such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Fraxiparine can be used as part of a treatment plan for patients with unstable angina or non-Q wave myocardial infarction. The drug works to improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of complications that may arise from blockage of blood vessels.

    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine