Dextrose Otsuka

  • Scientific Name: dextrose 50 %
  • Dosage: 50%
  • Type: Infusion
  • Price: 14.2 EGP EGP

    Medicine Description

    About Dextrose Dextrorotatory form of monosaccharide(((glucose))), In hypoglycemia and as a sweetner. Mechanism of Action of Dextrose Dextrose is used as an intravenous (((IV))) solution used to supply water and calories to the body. It is also used as diluent for other IV medications. Special Precautions while taking Dextrose 1.Diabetes 2.Congestive heart failure 3.Kidney problems 4.Hypokalemia 5.Edema
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine