
  • Scientific Name: Sevoflurane 1000mg.
  • Dosage: 1000mg
  • Type: Inhalation
  • Price: 800 EGP

    Medicine Description

    About SEVOFLURANE Volatile Halogenated anaesthetics, sweet-smelling, non-flammable, highly fluorinated methyl isopropyl ether Mechanism of Action of SEVOFLURANE Sevoflurane induces a reduction in junctional conductance by decreasing gap junction channel opening times and increasing gap junction channel closing times. Sevoflurane also activates calcium dependent ATPase in the sarcoplasmic reticulum by increasing the fluidity of the lipid membrane. It also appears to bind the D subunit of ATP synthase and NADH dehydogenase and also binds to the GABA receptor, the large conductance Ca2+ activated potassium channel, the glutamate receptor, and the glycine receptor
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine